Fipro® 25EC

In addition to its environmentally conscious approach, TCC Fipronill® sets itself apart by offering a comprehensive termite control solution that extends beyond eradication to prevention. The fipronil-based formula not only targets GABA with precision but also creates a sustained protective shield against future termite infestations. This dual-action capability makes TCC Fipronill® a proactive choice for long-term termite management.

Furthermore, TCC Fipronill® prioritizes user safety by employing a unique mode of action that specifically disrupts termite colonies without posing harm to humans, pets, or the surrounding environment. Its advanced formulation ensures that the eradication process is not only effective but also tailored to minimize any potential side effects. With TCC Fipronill®, you’re not just addressing a current termite problem — you’re investing in a forward-thinking solution that safeguards your property from future threats while promoting environmental sustainability. (10)

The termite life cycle is a fascinating journey marked by distinct stages: egg, nymph, and adult. Beginning with the egg, laid by the queen, the nymphs emerge and go through several molts, gradually developing into workers, soldiers, or reproductive individuals. The process culminates in the mature adult stage, where termites form colonies, and the cycle begins anew. This intricate life cycle underscores the social structure of termite colonies and their ability to thrive as resilient and organized communities, playing a crucial role in various ecosystems while posing potential challenges in structural environments.

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Application Method

For pre-construction structures, apply a water mixture of 5 liters per 10.50 sqft to foundation pits at 0 DPC level and the outer boundary before placing floor concrete.
In post-constructed structures, drill holes inside and outside walls at 2-foot intervals with a depth of 1-2 feet. Pour a 2 to 4-liter solution into each hole and seal it, plugging all holes after treatment. Additionally, spray the solution on wooden doors, windows, and frames.
Wood Structures:
For wood structures, mix one liter of Ultra Termi-Kill with 30 liters of kerosene oil and apply using a low-pressure spray pump on wooden fixtures or with a brush.
Ensure precautions such as wearing goggles, gloves, and a mask during application, and keeping the material out of reach of children, animals, and food. In case of ingestion, consult a doctor promptly, and avoid spraying in rain or fast wind conditions.


The seller guarantees that the product complies with its chemical description and is appropriately formulated for the specified process and duration as indicated on the label. This assurance applies when the product is used in accordance with instructions, under normal circumstances, and is stored in a cool, dark, and dry place, equipped with proper ventilation and sound construction, including suitable roofing and floor protection against direct sunlight, heat, rainwater, seepage, and stored in its original sealed, undamaged containers. It’s important to note that this warranty, or any other warranty, whether expressed or implied, regarding merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose, does not extend to the product’s use or shortage contrary to label instructions or under abnormal conditions not reasonably foreseeable by the seller. The buyer assumes the risk for any such usage or defective storage.


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